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Ghana - Farm-Gate Price Monitoring in Selected Impact Countries, February 2015

Ghana - Farm-Gate Price Monitoring in Selected Impact Countries, February 2015

Maize was the primary crop marketed by farmers in the monitored sample, counting 85Mt and 74% of total supplies. Moreover, it was the main product selected farmers channeled through P4P-supported Farmers Organizations (FOs) between June 2013 and May 2014.

Trends of sale volumes suggest that the allocation of main commodities across marketing channels varied greatly throughout the data collection.

Price differentials seemed to drive farmers' selection of preferred marketing channels. The price elasticity of supply (PES) confirms that those farmers who had access to multiple selling points mainly chose those channels which offered higher prices.

P4P-supported contracting overall involved 20% of monitored farmers only, who benefitted from the possibility to diversify sales and to sell at higher prices than farmers who did not sell through FOs.