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Ukraine - Market Monitor Review

Ukraine - Market Monitor Review

The Ukraine Market Monitor Review uses market information that is collected on monthly basis by WFP field monitors in NGCA and by the State Statistic Service of

Ukraine in the rest of the country. The report is based on the analyses produced by the Safety Nets Alert Platform (SNAP). Through automated analysis, the SNAP platform analyzes trends of main food and non-food commodities, minimum food basket, providing an indication of how much the markets are integrated in the country. In addition SNAP produces an early warning indicator (ALPS) with a 3-month forecast for each relevant commodity and at subnational level. Food and non-food prices are analyzed against previous periods. Availability is also assessed. The classification of the availability is based on the monthly averages. A commodity is classified as Available when it is found available on every visit in the key market of a specific governorate; Widely Available when for only one visit the availability is not full; Sporadically Available when in at least half of the visits, the item is recorded as rare in the market; a commodity is Mostly Not Available when it was found only in rare cases in a governorate during the analyzed month; finally a item is classified as Not Available when it is not found in any market of a governorate at all.  The minimum food basket monitored by WFP contains 23 food commodities from the national food basket of Ukraine. The quantities are adjusted against the survival caloric intake needs.