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WFP Palestine Situation Report #28, 19 December 2014

WFP Palestine Situation Report #28, 19 December 2014


As of January 2015, WFP will be launching a

new Protracted Relief and Recovery Operation

which will cover both the West Bank and

Gaza. With this single programme WFP will

coherently address urgent humanitarian needs,

support early recovery and sustainable longer-term

food security for some 570,000 non-refugees in 2015

-2016, for a total cost of US$145 million. Having one

single programme in Palestine will strengthen a

common approach, common activities and food

rations, and will give more flexibility in the allocation

of resources.

WFP published a new study on the secondary

impact of its voucher programme in Palestine

showing positive impacts of the programme on the

local economy, including:

  • Participating voucher shops recorded a 40 percent increase in sales.
  • Shops hired more than 480 new workers.
  • Participating dairy processors witnessed a 23 percent increase in overall sales.

The study is available online here.

 WFP is piloting a new and improved electronic

voucher platform for food and non-food

assistance that can also be used by national and

international partners on the ground. In 2014

alone, WFP Palestine’s innovative voucher system is

being used by six different organizations in Palestine

for food, water, sanitation and education transfers.