The evaluation was designed to assess the WFP-MGD SF Programme (2015-2017) in relation to its relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, impact and sustainability. The main evaluation questions were: 1) How appropriate was the operation? 2) What were the results of the operation? 3) What were the factors that affected the results, positively or negatively? 4) To what extent have the implementation and results been sustainable?
The evaluation team used mixed methods, applying triangulation of the available sources and voices. The programme’s framework was a central input as it offered the relation between outputs and outcomes and presented the planned targets to be assessed. The extensive desk review (quantitative and qualitative), combined with the information from the fieldwork were used to evaluate the programme’s relevance and also if the planned outputs and outcomes were attained. Fieldwork evidence was key to evaluate the effectiveness of the sustainability strategies implemented. Specific attention was given to gender related aspects throughout the evaluation.