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20 March 2019

WFP News Footage Shows Arrival of WFP Helicopters, Aerials in Beira, Mozambique (For The Media)

The World Food Programme stepped up distributions in and around Beira on Wednesday, with more airdrops of high-energy biscuits (HEBs) to isolated pockets of people stranded by the floodwaters and the delivery of easy-to-prepare fortified food to displaced families sheltering in schools and other public buildings in the town of Dondo, 45 kilometers north east of the port city.

An MI-8 transport helicopter contracted by the WFP-run United Nations Humanitarian Air Service (UNHAS) arrived in Beira on Wednesday to support rescue and relief operations – the first of three due there this week.


Broadcast quality footage available on request for accredited news organizations, please contact

Broadcast quality footage available on request for accredited news organizations, please contact