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Support to Primary Education and Enrolment of Girls

Operation ID: 200288

This operation has been modified as per budget revision 10.

With a population of 11.2 million, Chad is one of the world’s poorest countries, ranking 163rd out of 169 in the United Nations Development Programme’s  Human Development Report 2010. The population is vulnerable to shocks and at high risk of food crises; more than 44 percent of rural households  are food-insecure. Acute malnutrition is at a critical level of 15 percent in most regions. Since 2003,  the unstable political  and  security situation arising from  the ongoing conflicts in Chad and neighbouring  countries has  affected economic and social recovery,  and has had negative effects on the Chadian educational system, crippling development of the country’s human capital.

Development project 200288 will allow WFP to contribute to: i) increased enrolment of children from vulnerable rural households; ii) higher school attendance rates; iii) improved academic achievement at the primary school level, particularly among girls; and iv) enhanced capacity of government to administer school feeding programmes. Geographic targeting of the project is based on the comprehensive food security and vulnerability analysis conducted by WFP in 2010 and on the standardized school feeding survey conducted in March 2011. Areas of intervention were determined on the basis of vulnerability criteria including food insecurity and low gross enrolment rates compared to the national average.

To ensure programme sustainability and national ownership, the project will assist the Government, through the Ministry of Education, in formulating its policy and developing a national school feeding strategy, which will serve as a framework for education and school feeding actors. The programme will be implemented by the Ministry of Education’s National School Feeding Service.


Budget revision 9 proposes a twelve-months extension of Chad DEV 200288 to pursue school feeding activities from January to December 2017.