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Ghana Transitional ICSP (January - December 2018)

Operation ID: GH01

T-ICSP approved in July 2017.Revision 01 approved by the CD in October 2018.

Ghana is a lower-middle income and food-deficit country, with an estimated population of 26.9 million, and a growth domestic product per capita of USD 1,340 in 2015. Despite progress in reducing acute malnutrition and stunting at the national level in recent years, high rates of poverty and stunting persist in the Northern Savannah Ecological Zone. 

The Ghana Shared Growth Development Agenda (GSGDA 2014–2017) and the draft Long Term National Development Plan (LTNDP 2018-2057) provide the framework for WFP’s contribution to achieve national food security and nutrition targets. This guides WFP’s interventions and strategy in the context of the Interim Country Strategic Plan during which time Ghana will conduct a Zero Hunger Strategic Review. Once completed, the ZHSR will inform WFP’s strategy for achieving Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 2 in Ghana. The present Transitional Interim Country Strategic Plan (T-ICSP) is based on current programmes and activities under CP 200247 (2012–2017). The CP will be extended by one year, from 1 January 2018 to 31 December 2018, to allow the Ghana country office sufficient time to undertake consultations for the preparation of its full Country Strategy Plan, which will go to the EB for approval in November 2018.

WFP’s long-term vision in Ghana includes improved food security and reduction of stunting and micronutrient deficiencies in the northern regions. This will be achieved through technical and policy support for the scale up of nutrition-sensitive social protection programming, as well as through public-private sector partnerships for the increased availability, accessibility and affordability of nutritious foods and specialized nutritious foods. WFP will also focus on demand creation through improved awareness and knowledge about good eating habits among targeted populations. WFP will work with relevant government ministries, the Ghanaian private sector and United Nations agencies, and its interventions will specifically target smallholder farmers, small-scale and larger scale food processors, children aged 6–23 months, pregnant and lactating women and girls (PLW/G), adolescent girls, and people living with HIV (PLHIV). 

Following consultations with Government and other development partners, the strategic outcomes to which the programme responds are:

  • Strategic Outcome 1: Vulnerable women, adolescent girls, people living with HIV and children aged 6-23 months in targeted areas have enhanced nutritional status all year-round.
  • Strategic Outcome 2: Targeted populations and communities benefit from enhanced food systems which support nutrition Value Chains by 2020.
  • Strategic Outcome 3: National institutions have strengthened capacity to manage food security and safety nets programmes by 2020.
  • Strategic Outcome 4: Government efforts towards achieving Zero Hunger by 2030 are supported by effective and coherent policy frameworks.

WFP will leverage all key partnerships – public and private – to deliver the response. The T-ICSP will contribute to the achievement of the Ghana Shared Growth and Development Agenda (2012–2017), the Long-Term National Development Plan (2018–2057), key agricultural and nutrition sector plans and strategies, and Sustainable Development Goals 2 and 17. It is aligned with WFP’s Strategic Results 2, 4, 5 and 6.