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Guinea interim country strategic plan (2019–2024)

Operation ID: GN02

CSP approved at EB.A/2019

Revision 01 approved by the RD in July 2020

Revision 02 approved by the CD in March 2021

Revision 03 approved by the RD in June 2021

Revision 04 approved by the CD in April 2021

Revision 05 approved by the RD in June 2023

Guinea ranked 175th of 189 countries in the 2018 Human Development Index Statistical Update, with 62 percent of the population living in multidimensional poverty. The consequences of widespread poverty, food insecurity and malnutrition, poor access to basic public services, socio-political instability, persistent gender inequalities, climate shocks and high rates of population growth are widely felt by the country’s 11.9 million inhabitants, and social, economic and food instability were exacerbated by the outbreak of Ebola virus disease in 2014/2015.

The interim country strategic plan supports work towards the Government priorities outlined in the national economic and social development plan for 2016–2020 and sector policies and is in line with the United Nations development assistance framework for 2018–2022. While Guinea has several legal instruments and policies that promote food security and nutrition, poor coordination, weak national capacities, fragmented programming and the slow implementation of national programmes are serious obstacles to achieving Sustainable Development Goal 2. The interim country strategic plan therefore emphasizes country capacity strengthening, which will allow WFP to shift its programmes to government and community ownership during implementation of the next two country strategic plans, particularly its school feeding, nutrition, support for women and men smallholder farmers, emergency preparedness and response and supply chain management programmes.

Through the interim country strategic plan, WFP builds on the success of its school feeding programme as a channel for the promotion of education, good nutrition, gender equality and local livelihood opportunities and an opportunity for strengthening household and community resilience and women’s empowerment through the equitable provision of support to women and men smallholder farmer organizations and unions of women processors. It provides a roadmap for identifying and addressing the governance and technical gaps that need to be addressed in order to support smallholders, especially women, by increasing the consumption of locally produced food, improving nutrition, enhancing post-harvest processing, ensuring sustainable access to markets and providing livelihood options for vulnerable women and men of all ages with a view to establishing resilient and sustainable national food systems.

In implementing the plan, WFP will maintain its emergency response capacity and leading role in meeting the immediate food and nutrition needs of people affected by sudden shocks. All the activities are designed to reflect WFP’s commitments to gender equality, young people and persons with disabilities. The plan is articulated under five mutually reinforcing strategic outcomes:

  • Strategic outcome 1: Food-insecure populations, including pre- and primary school-age children, in targeted areas have access to adequate and nutritious food all year.
  • Strategic outcome 2: Crisis-affected populations in targeted areas are able to meet their basic food and nutrition needs during and in the aftermath of a crisis.
  • Strategic outcome 3: Nutritionally vulnerable populations, including children, pregnant and lactating women and girls, people living with HIV or tuberculosis and receiving treatment, persons with disabilities and orphans, in Guinea have improved nutrition status by 2030.
  • Strategic outcome 4: Food-insecure and climate-affected populations, including smallholder farmers, young people and women, in targeted areas have improved livelihood sources and more efficient and inclusive value chains by 2030.
  • Strategic outcome 5: National institutions have enhanced capacities in the design and use of management systems for food security and nutrition, social protection and disaster risk management by 2030.