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Senegal Transitional ICSP (January - December 2018)

Operation ID: SN01

T-ICSP approved in October 2017. Revision 01 approved by the CD in November 2018.

Senegal is classified as a Least Developed Country (LDC) and Least Food Deficit Country (LFDC). Global Acute Malnutrition (GAM) rates are very critical and worrying in the north and eastern parts of the country where they are above and/or close to the emergency threshold of 15 percent.  Stunting rates have decreased at the national level (19 percent), but remain high in the southern and eastern parts of the country.  The primary completion rate stands at 66.7 percent, well below the target value of 90 percent.

Senegal is committed to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. WFP supports the Government’s vision of a hunger-free Senegal and the commitment to women empowerment and Gender equality. However, the country still faces serious challenges to achieve SDG 2, particularly in the face of increased climate risks, limited access to arable land especially for women, unsustainable farming systems, and lack of access to market opportunities by smallholder farmers living in poverty and in marginal agricultural areas.

The Transitional Interim Country Strategic Plan (T-ICSP) is based on two WFP project documents: i) the Protracted Relief and Recovery Operation (PRRO) 200681; and ii) the Country Programme (CP) 200249. The T-ICSP will contribute to the achievement of the Government’s National Socio-Economic Development Plan (Plan Sénégal Emergent 2014-2018); sectoral strategies plans, the United Nations Development Assistance Framework (2012-2018), and the Sustainable Development Goals 2 and 17. 

Under the T-ICSP, WFP will align with sectorial strategies, build synergies and enhance convergence, as well as empower women and incorporate gender transformative approaches to achieve zero hunger. The T-ICSP will focus on four Strategic Outcomes:

  • Strategic Outcome 1: Food-insecure households and vulnerable populations, (including school-aged children) are able to meet basic food and nutrition needs all year-round
  • Strategic Outcome 2: Targeted populations, including children 6-59 months and pregnant and lactating women in targeted departments have improved nutritional status in line with national targets by 2023
  • Strategic Outcome 3: Food-insecure smallholders and communities in targeted areas have enhanced livelihoods and resilience to better support food security and nutrition needs by 2023
  • Strategic Outcome 4: National and subnational institutions have strengthened capacity to manage food security and nutrition policies and programmes by 2023

The T-CSP is aligned with WFP’s strategic results 1, 2, 3 and 5.