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WFP CoE - Products & Services
The WFP Centre of Excellence against Hunger in Brazil works closely with regional and national stakeholders (governments, private sector and institutions) to expand food and nutrition security policies and programmes from a multi-sector perspective, particularly social safety net programmes that include school feeding connected to local agriculture and nutrition (home-grown school feeding—HGSF). The WFP Centre fosters food and nutrition security solutions for countries to deliver long-term development benefits for children and vulnerable populations in the Global South. As part of a long-term cooperation strategy, technical assistance and advisory services from the Centre is often provided based on the outcome of a planning and needs assessment process. Upon request of the government or WFP offices, the Centre analyses the possibility of deploying expertise (or remote assistance via its Virtual Exchanges methodology) to support the process of national planning; policies and programmes design and/or implementation, transition strategy design and implementation, country strategic planning support, supply chain services and project preparation for resource mobilization.