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Libya Interim Country Strategic Plan (2019-2023)

Operation ID: LY01

ICSP approved at EB.1/2019

Revision 01 approved by the CD in April 2019.

Revision 02 approved by the RD in December 2020.

Revision 03 approved by the RD in December 2021.

Revision 04 approved by the CD in December 2022.

Libya is one of the world’s most volatile countries with livelihoods significantly undermined by the protracted crisis and the situation exacerbated by the risk of renewed conflict.1 The crisis has affected nearly 2.4 million people, 40 percent of the population, and more than 0.82 million people are in need of humanitarian assistance, 298,000 of whom require food assistance.2 Direct assistance for the most vulnerable populations remains critical for preventing negative coping strategies and further destitution and promoting gradual recovery and the re-establishment of basic services as the peace process progresses.

This interim country strategic plan presents WFP’s contribution to the achievement of humanitarian and resilience objectives in Libya and is coherent with national plans and the efforts of humanitarian and development partners in Libya. Specifically, the interim country strategic plan will contribute to the objectives articulated in the United Nations humanitarian response plans for Libya in 2019 and 2020 and the United Nations strategic framework for 2019–2020. Its activities will contribute to the attainment of Sustainable Development Goals 2 and 17 and to WFP Strategic Results 1 and 8 through three strategic outcomes:

  • Crisis-affected vulnerable populations in Libya, including schoolchildren, have access to sufficient and nutritious food during and in the aftermath of crises.
  • Vulnerable populations across Libya have strengthened livelihoods and restored access to basic services all year.
  • The humanitarian community in Libya has strengthened capacity to assist vulnerable populations during and in the aftermath of crises.

In the first year of implementation, WFP will progressively strengthen and leverage its presence in Libya, including in key regions outside Tripoli, by following a gradual and phased approach. WFP will work across sectors and with various partners in order gradually to introduce interventions aimed at sustainably improving the well-being of Libyans and promoting long-term peace. At the same time WFP will remain highly engaged with partners at the humanitarian, development and peace nexus and will maintain the ability to adjust its programmes to any changes in conditions, including the emergence of opportunities for assisting migrant populations.