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Republic of Moldova transitional interim country strategic plan (2022– 2023)

Operation ID: MD01

T-ICSP approved by the ED-DGFAO in August 2022

Revision 01 approved by the Regional Director in July 2023.

The onset of the conflict in Ukraine in February 2022 has led to the displacement of millions of people both in and outside of Ukraine, with over half a million people crossing into the Republic of Moldova, and 88,000 (primarily women, children, and elderly) remaining as of June 2022. In response, the Government of Moldova, with the support of WFP and other international and local entities, has stepped up and provided life-saving support to those fleeing the conflict. Local communities have opened their homes and now host most refugees remaining in Moldova.

Moldova remains one of the poorest countries in Europe and has been adversely affected by a series of shocks in recent years, notably the Ukraine conflict, COVID-19 and a 2020 drought which have disrupted supply chains and markets, collectively contributing to sharply increasing food and energy prices and growing food insecurity and poverty. Prior to the conflict, almost a third of the population was suffering from food insecurity and the influx of refugees has added additional strain on the Government and host populations.

WFP has been present in Moldova since March 2022, working under the Ukraine Limited Emergency Operation (February – August 2022) in alignment with the Regional Refugee Response Plan for Ukraine (February – December 2022) to deliver life-saving assistance to refugees and vulnerable Moldovan communities hosting refugees. Under this transitional interim country strategic plan (2022-2023), WFP will continue to support the Government of Moldova with an emergency response to the conflict, while expanding efforts to address structural issues and meet the increasing needs of refugee, host communities and extremely vulnerable Moldovan households. This would entail extending support to targeted crisis-affected host communities to meet their needs and ensure social cohesion among the local population and refugees, while providing capacity and systems strengthening support to the Government. A key aim is to enhance shock-responsive social protection and food systems to ultimately strengthen the ability of the Government to meet the unique needs of at-risk women, men, girls and boys during times of crisis, while fostering humanity, neutrality, impartiality and independence. Efforts under this transitional country strategic plan would align with the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework for Moldova (2023 – 2027), the Regional Refugee Response Plan for Ukraine as well as national strategies and plans.

Three inter-linked and mutually reinforcing outcomes are planned that would provide emergency assistance to refugee and crisis-affected Moldovan households, strengthen national capacities and systems, and provide services to partners to enable a coordinated and efficient response. These outcomes would contribute to Sustainable Development Goals 2 and 17:

  • Outcome 1: Crisis-affected populations in Moldova can meet their food and other essential needs throughout the year.
  • Outcome 2: The Government of Moldova has enhanced social protection and food security capacities and systems to support vulnerable populations by 2023.
  • Outcome 3: Humanitarian and Development partners benefit from services provided to support vulnerable populations in Moldova throughout the year.