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Yemen Interim Country Strategic Plan (2019 - 2022)

Operation ID: YE01

ICSP approved at EB.2/2018

Revision 01 approved by ED - DG FAO in July 2019.

Revision 02 approved by the CD in August 2020.

Revision 03 approved by the ED-DGFAO in December 2020.

Revision 04 approved by the CD in July 2021.

Revision 05 approved by the ED-DGFAO in December 2021.

Yemen remains the world’s most concerning food crisis, fuelled by conflict, economic crisis, access restrictions and outbreaks of disease.1 Three years into the conflict, households are increasingly unable to cope. By early 2018, the number of Yemenis in need of humanitarian assistance had climbed to 22.2 million people – approximately 75 percent of the population. Urgent life-saving assistance remains critical, while incremental investments in resilience and rehabilitation are needed to prevent further destitution and promote recovery.

This interim country strategic plan sets out WFP’s contribution to humanitarian and resilience objectives in Yemen, in alignment with national plans and the efforts of humanitarian and development partners in Yemen. The plan will support the achievement of the Yemen Humanitarian Response Plan, which includes individual cluster plans and the United Nations strategic frameworks, as well as recovery and resilience plans that are already being implemented. It contributes directly to Sustainable Development Goals 2 and 17 and to WFP Strategic Results 1, 2 and 8 through four strategic outcomes:

Food-insecure people affected by crises across Yemen have access to life-saving, safe and nutritious food all year long.

  • People at risk of malnutrition across Yemen, especially pregnant and lactating women and girls and children under 5 years old, have reduced levels of malnutrition by 2020.
  • Vulnerable households across Yemen have access to equitable social safety nets and basic services during and in the aftermath of crises.
  • International and national partners are supported in their efforts to assist people in Yemen and preserve critical services.

WFP will progressively leverage its operational footprint in Yemen to counter the risk of famine and work with partners across sectors to support sustainable improvements in the livelihoods of Yemenis, including in education, health, agriculture, water and sanitation, gender equality and peace. WFP will coordinate the implementation of the interim country strategic plan with the Yemeni authorities and cluster partners to optimize synergies and prioritize assistance to those most in need. WFP operations will remain highly dynamic with a focus on preparedness planning in order to respond to any changes in needs.