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The World Food Programme (WFP) is always looking to collaborate with NGOs that share our philosophy and goals. This spans organizations skilled in distribution, monitoring or early-warning activities, to those working in food-security assessments, advocacy for food and nutrition-related issues, or local coordination of food-security activities.

Working together ensures that our efforts are not duplicated and that we use our resources in a complementary and cost-efficient way. By speaking with a common voice, we can better advocate for the communities we serve. 

How we partner with NGOs

Depending on the type of partnership arrangement, NGOs partnering with WFP fall into four main categories:  

-    Capability partners – support the design and implementation of programmes and operations

-    Resource partners – provide human, financial and technical resources

-    Knowledge partners – contribute information, evaluation and analysis

-    Advocacy partners – support advocacy for zero hunger

The UN Partner Portal

The UN Partner Portal is a platform designed to incentivize and simplify partnerships between UN agencies and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs).

By registering on the portal, CSOs can easily identify and apply for partnership opportunities with multiple UN agencies, including WFP.

The Field Level Agreement

The Field Level Agreement is the contractual tool used when NGOs partner with WFP. It protects the best interests of both parties and is regularly updated to keep in line with changing contexts.

The 2022 FLA Template is available in English, Arabic, French, Portuguese and Spanish, at the following link:

For more information, write to: