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Essential Needs Assessment for Productive Social Safety Net Report - March 2023

Author: Matthieu Tockert, Mdathiru Abubakar
This publication features the impact of activities supported by the World Food Programme (WFP) under the Second Productive Social Safety Net Programme implemented by the Tanzania Social Action Fund (TASAF). The report compares baseline and endline study results of the cash transfers activity in urban and peri-urban areas. It showcases the impact on essential needs, while taking into account the national poverty line and calculations of minimum expenditure baskets.

To reduce extreme poverty, the Government of Tanzania introduced the Productive Social Safety Net (PSSN) based on integrated interventions including a labour-intensive public works and cash transfers programme targeting the poorest households.

The objective of the PSSN, which is implemented by the Tanzania Social Action Fund (TASAF), is to increase income and consumption, improve the ability to cope with shocks among vulnerable populations, and enhance and protect the human capital of their children.

In 2013, the Government of Tanzania scaled up the PSSN to cover one million households in extreme poverty, and by 2015 the programme was delivering cash transfers to over 1 million households across the country.

Through a project funded by the Government of Canada, WFP supported the expansion of PSSN II into urban areas by providing budget support and conducting in-depth assessments on urban vulnerabilities targeted for unconditional cash transfers. This assistance was designed to address the food security needs of populations affected by the socio-economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.