During Q4 2021, WFP Jordan responded to the food needs of 466,073 refugees, 237,697 females and 228,376 males, through the provision of monthly food assistance in the form of cashbased transfers. Assistance was provided in both host communities and camps, covering 353,819 refugees living in communities and 112,254 refugees living in camps. To ensure that assistance is effective, efficient, relevant, and aligned with organizational commitments towards protection and inclusion, the WFP Jordan Country Office conducts quarterly food security outcome monitoring (FSOM) exercises covering WFP beneficiaries in Jordan. This factsheet provides a summary of the main findings for refugees in communities from the FSOM Q4 2021 conducted in November 2021. The findings and conclusions presented in this document provide the evidence base for effective, data-driven decision-making for WFP and partners with the goal of improving programme quality and accountability.