The study utilized WFP’s Consolidated Livelihood Exercise for Analyzing Resilience (CLEAR) approach which contains a baseline of major livelihood zones all over the country. CLEAR has provided the backbone to build the Philippines’ first livelihood zone maps which aim to provide information for the diversification of economic activities, aimed to ensure that its food systems are secure, peace and hunger are addressed, and the country is on a continuous path to sustainable development.
The products of the project are envisioned to provide government and non-government partners with technical input to various development and action plans such as the National and Local Climate Change Action Plans. In addition, the livelihood zone maps that model scenarios in rural and urban settings can assist government and development partners in the targeted mobilization of resources to increase community resilience. Likewise, the crop suitability maps and the climate change impact scenarios are expected to aid in the shaping policies, resource prioritization, and the crafting of sustainable strategies to mitigate and cope with the effects of climate change on food systems.