During this quarter, the R4 Initiative expanded to Burkina Faso, targeting its first 700 households in Central North and East provinces. The initiative will also be piloted in Mozambique this year, with activities starting in Gaza and Tete provinces. In Senegal, over 8,000 farmers are insured and in Ethiopia, more than 26, 000 farmers registered for insurance this quarter. In Zimbabwe, the Green Climate Fund (GCF) proposal for the expansion of R4 in the country was approved during the 23rd Meeting of the GCF Board in Songdo. In Zambia, results from a survey assessing the 2017/18 payout process indicated that insurance compensation was mostly used to buy agricultural inputs, food, and livestock. In Kenya, activities focused on sensitizing farmers for the 2019 Short Rains season, and in Malawi activities during this quarter mainly focused on the risk transfer component.