During the final quarter of 2019, the initiative focused on finalizing insurance enrolments in Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe, and Kenya. In Ethiopia, the initiative reached over 28,000 farmers (42 percent women) with weather index insurance. Moreover, under the Satellite Index Insurance for Pastoralists in Ethiopia (SIIPE), 7,816 pastoralists accessed index-based livestock insurance in the Somali region of Ethiopia. In Senegal, a total of 8,206 farmers (52 percent women) were insured for the 2019 agricultural season. In 2019, R4 expanded into Burkina Faso, where the initiative insured 702 farmers (53 percent women). 2019 also marked the expansion of R4 to Mozambique, where in 2020 the initiative will pilot interventions in Tete, Gaza, Nampula and Zambezia provinces. During this quarter, Mozambique’s first Green Climate Fund (GCF) proposal for the expansion of R4 in the country was approved during the 24th Meeting of the GCF Board in Songdo.