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Timor-Leste Market Monitor Report - Q3 2023
Food inflation in September 2023 rose to 11.4 percent and there is a high-risk Timor-Leste’s food security will deteriorate further in the coming months if the dry weather conditions influenced by El Niño persist.

The World Food Programme (WFP) collaborates with the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Forestry (MALFF) and the National Institute of Statistics (INETL) to collect food price data on a regular basis across the country’s main markets from thirteen municipalities. Data has been collected since 2020, to monitor the impacts of COVID-19, climate shocks, and global conflicts on the market prices in Timor-Leste.

On average, around six traders per market are surveyed, targeted food commodities weighed, and their prices averaged per kilo.