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Ukraine Food Security Report May 2022
In March and April 2022, WFP interviewed over 4,700 Ukrainians to understand more about their levels of food insecurity. This report details the results of this assessment.

Since the start of the war in Ukraine, the humanitarian situation has continued to deteriorate. Millions of people have fled and are struggling to access the food they need.

WFP has established a remote monitoring system to assess and monitor the food security situation in the country. As a result of conducting web assessments and phone calls, WFP  found that across the country, one in three families are food insecure and those who have been displaced are the most heavily affected. The report also outlines the coping strategies that families now use to meet their immediate food needs, and this includes eating less, borrowing money and adults state they are cutting meals so their children can eat instead.

This report studies the impacts of the war on Ukrainian markets, outlines how family incomes have been affected and highlights the ongoing role of humanitarian assistance in helping families to meet their needs.