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WFP Indonesia An Overview of the Indonesian Disaster Resilient Villages, December 2019
This Overview summarizes challenges, problems and accomplishments in community disaster preparedness by showcasing stories from ten Disaster-Resilient Villages (Kampung Siaga Bencana/KSB) in Indonesia. The stories are written in a simple language to ensure that the messages and values can reach wider audiences, including communities working in disaster reduction efforts.

Disaster Resilient Villages (Kampung Siaga Bencana/KSB) is the main programme under the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs to reduce disaster risks at the local level. WFP supports the Government of Indonesia’s efforts to improve its disaster response capacity, one of which through KSB. To understand problems and challenges in various KSBs, a study was conducted to elaborate lessons learned from several KSBs. This publication is the summary of the study report.