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World Food Programme: Pacific Multi-Country Office
WFP strengthens Pacific Island Countries' resilience through disaster preparedness, food security, and social protection systems, addressing the climate crisis and promoting sustainable development.

The World Food Programme (WFP) plays a crucial role in strengthening the resilience of Pacific Island Countries and Territories (PICTs), which are among the most hazard-prone regions globally. With eight out of the 20 nations experiencing the highest average disaster losses in the world located in the Pacific, the region faces significant challenges exacerbated by the global food crisis, climate change, and geopolitical pressures.

To address these challenges, WFP initiated a Multi-Country Strategic Plan (MCSP) for 2023-2027, aligned with the 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent and the United Nations Pacific Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework. This plan focuses on enhancing the capacities of regional and national stakeholders in emergency preparedness, response logistics, emergency telecommunications, disaster risk management, food security, and the development of inclusive, shock-responsive social protection systems.

WFP's efforts in the Pacific emphasize local, national, and regional capacity building.