The Restoring Education and Learning Project in Yemen finances a package of interventions delivered to 1000 schools across the country. The proposed interventions, which will be implemented by Save the Children, UNICEF and WFP over a three academic years, will support teacher payment and teacher training, school feeding, school infrastructure improvements, the distribution of learning materials and school supplies, and national capacity building. WFP will be responsible for the provision of the school feeding component in targeted schools.
The Environmental and Social Management Framework is an instrument that has been prepared to meet the requirements of the World Bank’s Environmental and Social Framework (ESF), in particular the Environmental and Social Standard on the Assessment and Management of Environmental and Social Risks, including the World Bank Group Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) Guidelines. It also complies with Yemeni environmental and social laws and regulations.
The Stakeholders Engagement Plan and the Environmental and Social Commitment Plan are instruments to manage interactions between WFP and the project's stakeholders.