Healthy Not Hungry
A world with Zero Hunger and good health for all by 2030 is possible. A new campaign by the World Food Programme, Project Everyone and UNICEF aims to speed up progress.

Malnutrition is one of the biggest challenges of our time. One in three people are affected, and it is undermining global progress in every area.
The Global Goals, agreed to by every country in the world, promise a healthy, not hungry, equitable world. But if we want to get there by 2030, we need to get cooking!
In partnership with UNICEF and Project Everyone, in 2017 the World Food Programme is launching the Healthy Not Hungry campaign which aims to accelerate progress to Goal 2 — Zero Hunger, and Goal 3 — Good Health and Well-Being.
Zero Hunger and good health go hand in hand — a hungry world will never be a healthy world.
How can we reach a world with Zero Hunger?
If we are to arrive at Zero Hunger by 2030 we need a roadmap. Our recipe has five main ingredients, which form the backbone of the Healthy Not Hungry campaign:
- Putting the furthest behind first to save and change the lives of the poorest two billion people;
- Paving the road from farms to markets to ensure everyone has access to affordable, nutritious food;
- Reducing food waste so that all the food produced reaches the plates of those who need it;
- Encouraging a sustainable variety of crops to increase the nutritional value of diets and support farmers growing local varieties;
- Making nutrition a priority, starting with the first 1,000 days of life, to combat stunting and promote a healthy development in all children.
Read more about the five steps.

Our secret ingredient: chefs
As part of the campaign, the World Food Programme is engaging men and women who work with food on a daily basis and who care about producing and consuming healthy and sustainable meals: also known as chefs!
Chefs around the world have responded enthusiastically to the call — over 20 of them, from countries as diverse as Burkina Faso and Egypt, Japan and Peru, have vowed to support the Healthy Not Hungry campaign.
See more about our partner chefs.

Healthy Not Hungry dinners
Building on these new partnerships, over the first three weeks of January, WFP is holding a series of 12 dinners in as many countries. From Guatemala City to Johannesburg to Tokyo, leaders, influencers, celebrities, civil society and activists will come together to dine on sustainable meals cooked up by well-known local chefs, and discuss steps to Zero Hunger.
Chefs have been challenged to create meals with meaning that will inspire action, with the dinners aiming to raise awareness of the importance of diet diversity. Aware that today food systems have overlooked the vast majority of the world's 30,000 edible plants and that 60% of all kilocalories consumed are from wheat, maize, rice, and potatoes, WFP has called on each chef to prepare dishes based on the four staples but also with ingredients from the 29,996 other species not regularly consumed by the global population.

Hot dinner data
At the official launch of the Healthy Not Hungry campaign at the World Economic Forum annual meeting in Davos, the World Food Programme is highlighting how costly food can be for some of the world's poorest people. With our ‘hot dinner data' we show a simple bowl of food in Malawi costs much more than in Davos when you measure the cost of the meal as a percentage of a person's average daily income. Find out more.
How to get involved
Want to join in the Healthy Not Hungry campaign?
Our challenge to you is to make a nutritious meal using local, sustainable ingredients, avoiding the four dominant staple crops of wheat, rice, potatoes and corn.
Then tell us something about your dinner using the hashtag #HealthyNotHungry