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Ending world hunger is one of the greatest challenges of our times. 42 million people in 45 countries are at 'emergency' or worse levels of hunger. But your tax-deductible gift means that one less child will go to be hungry.  In the worst-hit hunger hotspots, one meal at the right time can mean the difference between life of death.

Your tax-deductible gift will immediatley be put to use. 

As soon as you complete your donation, your gift will start its journey. First your money will be turned into food, and then sent to one of the over 120 countries where WFP is working to reach the most vulnerable. Every single day, WFP has 5,600 trucks, 30 ships and nearly 100 planes ready to deliver the food you send. Because you can't go there and hand out the food yourself, we do it for you. 

Please join is in the fight against hunger. Help send lifesaving food to a family who needs it most. 

Make a Donation Today


Making a tax-deductible donation is easy and secure. It takes less than one minute to help. Less than one minute to save a life.
Donate today

Together we can end hunger forever

Hunger is still one the biggest - and most solvable - problems in the world. WFP is working for that every second of the day, feeding over 149 million people in urgent need and implementing programmes that tackle the causes of hunger. But this work depends on the support of people like you.

WFP relies entirely on voluntary contributions, so every donation counts. Your tax-deductible support allows our expert staff to reach the most vulnerable families with lifesaving food and assistance.