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Two years since the escalation of the war in Ukraine fighting continues unabated causing immense human suffering, destroying farmland, displacing families and leaving more than 14 million people in need of humanitarian assistance.

Nationwide, 1 in 5 Ukrainian families are estimated to be food insecure. The closer to the frontlines families live, the more difficult it is for them to find, afford and prepare food.

© WFP/Edward Johnson A girl holding up bricks in the colors blue and yellow, in Severynivka School which now houses displaced people from all over Ukraine

Will you help?

In Ukraine, one in four smallholder farmers is estimated to have reduced or stopped agricultural work due to the war. Your gift will help provide much needed relief for affected families.

The ongoing fighting is crippling food production.The war has turned vast areas of farmland into deadly minefields. 

Your donation will help us provide food aid to the most vulnerable populations in Ukraine affected by the conflict. Including:

  • Food rations near the frontline
  • Cash assistance to pensioners and persons with disabilities
  • Hot meals support to institutions such as hospitals, care centres, displacement centres and orphanages
  • De-mining to help recover agricultural land
Hanna, 68 y.o. is an IDP who came to Antonivka, where her daughter lives. She now receives food parcels from WFP.  © WFP/Anna Andrusenko

Will you help?

Children and families in Ukraine need your support.

Our work is 100% voluntarily funded and every donation makes a difference. It only takes a minute to donate, but the impact can last a lifetime.


Please help the UN World Food Programme – the world’s largest humanitarian agency – provide life-saving support to the most vulnerable families.