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Somalia Interim Country Strategic Plan (2019-2021)

Operation ID: SO01

ICSP approved at EB.2/2018.

Revision 01 approved by ED-DGFAO in June 2019.

Revision 02 approved by the ED in October 2019.

Revision 03 approved by ED-DGFAO in March 2020.

Revision 04 approved by ED-DGFAO in October 2020.

Revision 05 approved by ED-DGFAO in July 2021.

For over the past twenty years, Somalia has experienced frequent conflict, political instability, and environmental and economic shocks, resulting in widespread hunger and malnutrition. Despite significant political progress, poverty is rife, and many Somalis still do not have access to basic public services. Chronic food insecurity and poor nutrition, exacerbated by shocks and weak food systems and national capacity, pose a challenge to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 2, on achieving zero hunger.

To address these challenges, WFP has adopted a holistic approach that recognizes the interconnected nature of relief, nutrition, resilience, food systems, capacity building and partnership. Through this interim country strategic plan, WFP will continue to respond to critical needs while supporting national systems – such as by working with national authorities and partners to establish reliable safety nets that respond to shocks, to strengthen food systems and to strengthen national capacity through a consolidated approach. Thus, while continuing to draw on its comparative advantage and coverage to respond to crises, WFP will implement broader safety net and resilience-strengthening activities, working across the humanitarian-development-peace nexus.

This interim country strategic plan encompasses lessons learned from WFP programming and reflects feedback gathered across Somalia during stakeholder consultations. It is closely aligned with the Somalia National Development Plan (2017–2019) and regional development plans, as well as the humanitarian and recovery priorities for food security and nutrition set out in the humanitarian response plan and the drought impact needs assessment for Somalia. This reinforces WFP’s commitment to work within national priorities to achieve SDG 2.

WFP will work with a range of actors to deliver efficient, effective and equitable assistance, including through innovative partnerships with national and regional government institutions, United Nations and international organizations, international and national non-governmental organizations, civil society and the private sector.

This interim country strategic plan contributes to SDGs 2 and 17 and WFP strategic results 1, 2, 4, 5 and 8 through six strategic outcomes:

  • Strategic outcome 1: Food-insecure and nutrition-insecure people in areas affected by natural or human-caused disasters have access to adequate and nutritious food and specialized nutritious foods that meet their basic food and nutrition needs during and in the aftermath of shocks.
  • Strategic outcome 2: Food-insecure people in targeted areas are better able to withstand shocks and stresses throughout the year.
  • Strategic outcome 3: Malnourished and food-insecure children, adolescent girls, pregnant and lactating women and girls, and clients undergoing anti-retroviral therapy or directly observed treatment for tuberculosis in areas with persistently high rates of acute malnutrition have improved nutritional status throughout the year.
  • Strategic outcome 4: National institutions, private sector actors, smallholder farmers and food-insecure and nutritionally vulnerable populations benefit from more resilient, inclusive and nutritious food systems by 2021.
  • Strategic outcome 5: National institutions have strengthened policies, capacities and systems for supporting food-insecure and nutritionally vulnerable populations by 2021.
  • Strategic outcome 6: The humanitarian community is better able to reach vulnerable people and respond to needs throughout the year.

Together, these outcomes will support Somalia on the path towards zero hunger, recovery and lasting stability.