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2021–2022 Overview of WFP’s Initiatives on South-South and Triangular Cooperation (SSTC)
The 2021–2022 Overview of WFP’s initiatives on South-South Cooperation presents an outline of WFP’s work as a broker and facilitator of knowledge exchanges

WFP’s flagship publication in SSTC presents a glimpse of WFP’s global work as a South-South broker to support countries in the achievement of SDG 2 on Zero Hunger.

Across the countries where WFP operates, 345 million people are currently estimated to be acutely food insecure or at high risk given this unprecedented global food crisis. SSTC is one of the key avenues to bring more partners from the Global South on board to support the leap forward toward the achievement of the ambitious goals set in the 2030 Agenda.

In response to rising country demands, WFP has been stepping up its efforts to support countries tap into SSTC in 2021 and 2022, as consolidated in the overview. In 2021, WFP has been recognized among the United Nations entities that have made the most progress towards mainstreaming SSTC, reaching 1.11 million people and mobilizing US$2.7 million for SSTC field projects.

Some key SSTC initiatives in 2021-2022 that you will find in the report include:

  • WFP’s Policy on SSTC evaluation & updates: In 2021, WFP rolled out an independent evaluation of the WFP Policy on SSTC (2015) to assess its relevance, effectiveness, coherence and sustainability as well as its implementation from 2015 to 2020
  • The summary evaluation report was presented to and approved by the Executive Board in November 2021
  • SSTC Field Pilots: Country examples from the 5 SSTC Field Pilot projects with support from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs (MARA) of the People's Republic of China and the 7 COVID-19 Opportunity Fund Pilots initiated and finalized in 2021
  • Key initiatives of WFP’s Centres of Excellence: examples of how SSTC can be brokered virtually and how WFP has been mitigating the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, and
  • Regional Overview in SSTC: Some key achievements and country examples of WFP’s ongoing work in SSTC in the field, with the facilitation of WFP Country Offices, Regional Bureaux, Centres of Excellence and HQ.