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Climate and Food Security Monitoring Bulletin (May-September 2020)
This Bulletin highlights the key facts from May to September 2020. The content is related to food security, it’s linkage to climate, and looking ahead to the next “Maha” cultivation Season in Sri Lanka.

In the Climate and Food Security Bulletin, Sri Lanka looks into past data of the “Yala” cultivation season and analyzes the seasonal outlook of the next few months to inform policy makers and planners to take proactive measures for effective food security measures.

The bulletin highlights the harvest of paddy and other food crops in 2020 which was above-average compared to the past few years. Major reservoir storage levels are at 39 percent of their capacity at present, which is also well above average.

This process was coordinated by the Disaster Management Centre together with Department of Meteorology, Department of Irrigation, Department of Agriculture, Disaster Preparedness and Response Unit of Ministry of Health (DPRD), and International Water Management Institute. The process was technically guided by UN World Food Programme in Sri Lanka.