The evaluation was commissioned by the independent Office of Evaluation to provide evaluative evidence for accountability and learning to inform the design of the next WFP CSP Honduras. It covers WFP activities implemented from 2018 to April 2021.
It was conducted between July 2020 and October 2021 to assess WFP’s strategic positioning and role and the extent to which WFP has made the strategic shift expected by the CSP; WFP’s contributions to strategic outcomes; efficiency and factors that explain WFP performance.
The evaluation concluded that:
- WFP was well aligned with national and policies and UN plans. WFP showed a high degree of flexibility in aligning to country needs, demonstrated by the scale up in implementation of the national school feeding programme and agile response to emergency needs, including the Covid-19 pandemic.
- In response to the Covid-19 pandemic WFP expanded coverage to urban areas with a focus on vulnerable groups facing barriers to social protection programmes.
- While WFP activities led to positive results and were highly appreciated by recipients, levels of assistance and number of people assisted often fell short of plans, except for the emergency response, due to variable and insufficient funding
levels. This limited WFP capacity to implement development activities and support durable solutions with negative impacts on sustained CSP outcome achievement. - An integration across activities as foreseen by the CSP was only partially achieved and this led to missed opportunities to improve synergies, flexibility and impact across the humanitarian-development-peace nexus.
- Weaknesses in monitoring systems hamper the ability of WFP to analyse implementation, make performance informed programme adjustments, and take strategic decisions. It also limits the scope for internal knowledge generation and dissemination and demonstration of results achieved.