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Food Fortification
In 2021, WFP distributed 1,478,081 MT of fortified foods – the equivalent of more than 3 billion rations, or enough for 17 million people to have their daily staple food consumption be in the form of fortified staples for six months. Learn more about WFP’s work on food fortification.

In the countries where WFP works, many people do not have access to a healthy, nutritious diet that would provide all the vitamins and minerals necessary for a healthy life. Food fortification—enhancing the micronutrient content of commonly eaten foods— provides a cost effective and life changing solution until we can ensure healthy and nutritious diets for all. To that end, WFP has committed to increasing the proportion of fortified wheat flour, maize meal and rice distributed in its programmes from 60 percent in 2020 to 80 percent by 2025. Simultaneously, we will work with at least 40 countries to ensure national systems can bring fortified foods within reach of the most vulnerable families.