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Kenya, McGovern Dole International Food for Education and Child Nutrition 2016-2022: Evaluations
This decentralized evaluation was commissioned by the WFP Kenya Country Office and covers the final activity of WFP McGovern-Dole (MGD) International Food for Education and Child Nutrition Program in Kenya, 2016-2020, which benefitted from a no-cost extension up to September 2022.

The MGD International Food for Education and Child Nutrition Program in Kenya, 2016-2022, is managed by the United States Department of Agriculture and implemented by WFP Kenya.  It aims to support education, child development and food security in low-income, food-deficit countries around the globe, and provides United States of America produced agricultural commodities and financial assistance and supports capacity development and enhanced monitoring and reporting.

This endline evaluation follows a baseline assessment based on quasi-experimental design (April/May 2017) and a mid-line evaluation (May/June 2018) which examined preliminary progress. The final evaluation takes place four years after the mid-line and reflects the fact that WFP requested and obtained a budget neutral extension to consolidate the hand-over process that took place in 2018. The evaluation is intended for both accountability and learning purposes. Following the handover of the program to the government, greater emphasis is place on effectiveness, sustainability and impact, and it also focuses on the relevance, efficiency, appropriateness, coherence, coverage and connectedness of MGD program.