The evaluation was undertaken to assess the achievements of the project, draw lessons learned and make recommendations to better inform strategic decision-making on social protection programs.
Overarching evaluation questions included:
Q.1 To what extent is the Joint Program (JP) appropriate and relevant to the creation of favorable conditions for the National Social Protection Strategy review process?
Q. 2 To what extent has the JP proven to be adequate in its implementation mechanisms?
Q.3 To what extent have the expected results of the JP been achieved and have they contributed to progress towards the strategic outcomes?
Q.4 To what extent has the JP had sufficient resources to achieve the expected results?
Q.5 To what extent has the JP generated ownership at the national and decentralized levels?
Q.6 To what extent does the JP integrate the equity, gender equality and human rights approach?
Key lessons learned included
i)Strong involvement and commitment of the Mauritanian government at a high level to reach the targeted objectives; ii) More effectivity and efficiency in the implementation thanks to the synergy of actions between the three agencies (UNICEF, WFP and ILO); iii) Production of evidence served as a basis for decision-making in the implementation of project interventions and for updating of the National Social Protection Strategy; iv) Efficiency of the project's regional coordination mechanism and the involvement of governmental or NGO/CSO inter sector actors active have had positive effects on the achievement of project results; v) The job-related mobility of the stakeholders of the regional social protection committee has not facilitated the appropriation and monitoring of the activities
Key recommendations from the evaluation included
4 strategic recommendations
R1. Leveraging the dialogue and consultation mechanism established as part of the JP.
R2. Establish an appropriate results framework that reflects the entire chain of interventions
R3. Set up budget lines for the sustainable support of the achievements of the JP (2020-2022) by integrating the actions supported by the project and the planning of budgets
R4. Conduct advocacy with the Ministry of Health and the National Health Insurance Fund to equip health centers in rural areas to facilitate access to care for people with disabilities who hold CNAM cards.
3 operational recommendations
R5. Promote the multiplicity and regularity of meetings of the institutional coordination mechanism in the context of similar projects
R6. To set up a project team with sufficient human and material resources exclusively dedicated to the implementation of the project.
R7. To provide for an optimal functioning of the M&E system