This Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) has been prepared to identify the potential environmental and social risks and impacts of proposed Project activities and propose suitable mitigation measures to manage these risks and impacts.
The potential environmental and social risks for project activities are identified as:
- Potential exclusion of disadvantaged or vulnerable households;
- Potential exclusion of ethnic minorities due to access challenges or language barriers;
- Risks to project workers (including health and safety risks, security risks, child labor or forced labor, COVID-19 risks, and sexual exploitation and abuse risks);
- Risks to community members (including safety and security risks, discrimination or exclusion, COVID 19 risks, and sexual exploitation and abuse risks);
- Solid waste management risks from inappropriate disposal of food packaging;
- Food safety risks that may stem from improper storage, transport or distribution of food assistance; and
- Potential for insufficient stakeholder engagement and grievance management.
These risks will be managed and mitigated through the application of:
- The project’s operational design for targeting and selection of communities and beneficiaries;
- WFP policies and operational practices (including the Environmental Policy, the Protection and Accountability Policy, the Food Storage Manual, and Standard Operating Procedures on COVID-19, protection for sexual exploitation and abuse, and community engagement mechanisms);
- The measures included in this ESMF and the Annexes to this ESMF (including simplified Labor Management Procedures, Landmine Procedures, and a Safety and Security Approach); and
- The Stakeholder Engagement Plan prepared for this project.