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WFP Evaluation Capacity Development Strategy (2020-2024)
WFP strategy to establish the requisite capacity to ensure strengthened evaluation culture

The Office of Evaluation (OEV) has developed an Evaluation Capacity Development Strategy (2020-2024), reflecting the commitment by WFP to embed evaluation into the heart of its culture of accountability and learning, and making evaluation an integral part of all WFP’s work - ‘everyone’s business’. Having adequate evaluation capacity across the organization plays an important role in supporting WFP to effectively engage in supporting countries to achieve Zero Hunger and meet the needs and expectations of the people it serves.

The WFP Evaluation Capacity Development (ECD) Strategy, in line with the WFP Corporate Evaluation Policy (2016-2021), sets out WFP’s approach to developing staff evaluation skills and capacities to effectively steer, manage, support and use evaluations, addressing gaps between current WFP evaluation capacities and those required to achieve the organization’s vision.