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Democratic Republic of Congo, School Feeding in Emergencies: an evaluation
Findings and recommendations to inform new policies and country strategic plans.

This Evaluation of Emergency School Feeding Activities in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) from 2015 until 2019 is part of a four-country Evaluation Series on Emergency School Feeding (ESF) commissioned by the WFP School-based Programmes (SBP) Unit and made possible by a multi-year Canadian contribution to WFP.

The series provides accountability to Canada and other donors in the four countries, as well as to the wider humanitarian community. 

It promotes learning at the strategic and operational levels. Findings from the individual evaluations fed into lessons learned on school feeding in emergencies presented in a separate synthesis report. A global literature review, interviews with global stakeholders and a survey among a wider selection of WFP country offices on school feeding complemented the evidence from the countries.