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Strategic Roadmap for the SUN Business Network in Asia
In December 2020, the Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement Strategy 3.0 (2021-2025) was approved by the SUN Movement Lead Group and is currently being operationalized by SUN countries at a national level.
Aligning with the Scaling up Nutrition Strategy 3.0, a strategic roadmap was developed to support the advancement of SUN Business Networks (SBN) in the Asia region, with the overall aim of increasing private sector engagement in nutrition. The SUN and SBN 3.0 strategies both recognize the need for a shift from a globally driven SUN Movement and SBN to ones that are centered at the national level, with strengthened support at the regional level.
The SBN roadmap for Asia articulates the way forward to engage the private sector and grow SBNs in Asia at country and regional levels, including through the establishment of a regional platform/ coordination mechanism to support national SBNs and identify opportunities with key regional players. It also describes additional opportunities for private sector engagement at the regional level, including strategic alignment with existing private sector-led coalitions and consortia such as the UN Global Compact.